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Frequently Asked Questions
Computer Law 101
Unlike some many areas of law, computer law is
not necessarily intuitive. You either know how it works or you don't.
In your everyday experience, you learn that you probably own something if you
paid for it, but, it's not so simple with computer technology. Read on for
more information. Remember, you can also
search our site for even more content!
Is it true that I may
not own the software, even after I pay for it?
Does a software
developer give a warranty, even if it doesn't say a word?
What's the
difference between licensing and ownership?
Can I be liable for
damages caused by my software, even if I gave it away for free?
Do I need a written
Should I register my
copyright or trademark?
Any general
additional pointers?
Do I need an
This is probably the most commonly misunderstood legal
issue among purchasers and developers of software: An independent contractor continues
to own the computer software even though it was paid to create the work by the
This is simply called the "What do you mean I don't own it, I paid for it, didn't
I?" problem.
Copyright law provides that a work of authorship created by an
employee, within the
scope of employment, is owned by the employer. However, a work of authorship
created by an independent contractor continues to be owned by the independent
contractor, even though it was paid to create the work. What does the
"purchaser" purchase? It depends, but possibly only an implied license to use
the software within a certain scope of use.
Also, recent treaties permit developers to retain "moral" rights to the software
even if the ownership is transferred. The moral rights cannot be transferred, but only
waived using specific language.
The important point is that not properly structuring a transaction can be devastating for
either party. And, it is usually far more cost-effective and reliable to dedicate the
resources necessary to properly structure the transaction, rather than the costs of
litigating and/or settling the matter later. Rarely can such a fundamental problem be
resolved so as to place the parties in the position that was the essence of the bargain at
the time of contracting.
Consider the problems associated with complying with representations and warranties
concerning ownership of software in a future merger or acquisition. Consider the way this
issue ratchets its way down through subcontractors.
Potential Solutions: Hire a true employee. Use assignment language in the transaction agreement.
Use waivers of moral rights. Use specific licensing language. See our
publication on Copyrights.
Contact us for more details.
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Probably the second most fundamental misconception
concerning software products: The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) provides that a seller
of computer software gives implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, unless expressly disclaimed in a "conspicuous" writing.
This is the reason you see so much bolded, capitalized, language in software license
agreementsthe authors are complying with the UCC.
This is simply called the "What do you mean I gave a warranty, I didn't say a word
about warranties, did I?" problem.
A warranty of merchantability is a warranty that the software will perform its generally
intended use. A warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is a warranty that the
software will perform the use specifically intended and expressed by the purchaser. The
UCC also imposes standards for express warranties and warranties of title.
Note, however, that the UCC does not govern pure service-related agreements, but, those
types of agreements must be properly structured to avoid UCC warranty issues.
This issue also affects resellers. If a manufacturer disclaims warranties to its
resellers, the resellers may still give implied warranties to its customers. Therefore,
the reseller must also properly disclaim to its purchasers. In addition, the Federal
Government has enacted the Magnuson-Moss Consumer Warranty Act, which provides that
certain warranties may not be disclaimed, if sold to consumers. Coordination of
contractual terms is crucial.
Potential Solutions: License, sell and resell computer software (and hardware) only pursuant to a
written agreement which contains the exact written warranty that you intend to provide.
"Conspicuously" disclaim all or remaining warranties. Consumer, rather than
business-to-business, transactions must comply with the Magnuson-Moss Consumer Warranty
Act. Contact us for more details.
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The intellectual properties are: patents, copyrights,
trademarks and trade secrets. Computer software, which contains one or more of the
intellectual properties, is either transferred outright or licensed. If licensed, a
developer can retain ownership of the software, and transfer less than total ownership.
This is similar to an owner of real estate leasing property. The owner retains ownership,
but the lease gives an interest in the land. The lease provides for rent, exclusivity,
term, upkeep of the property, assignability, subletting, etc. The formalities of
transferring real estate ownership, however, tend to keep the transfers of title obvious.
Not so with computer software. All right, title and interest in software can be
transferred orally. This is called the "What do you mean I sold the software
outright, I just sold a license to use the software, didn't I?" problem. (See
Question 1.)
Generally, purchasers prefer to obtain ownership of custom software commissioned by them.
Developers prefer to license the software. The balancing of interests of the purchaser and
developer, and knowledge of the industry, is crucial to properly structuring a
transaction. For example, if properly negotiated, a source code escrow can be an
alternative to an outright transfer of ownership.
Also, developers should be cautioned not to allow use of licensed software without a
written license agreement. For example, consider a future purchase of the software
developer's business: the purchaser will want a representation and warranty by the
developer that there are no outstanding claims against the software. If use of the
software was permitted without a written license, the user may claim that it owns the
software outright, may copy and distribute the code, etc. Not using written licenses can
prevent consummation of a deal.
Solution: Have a written license agreement or sales agreement which contains express
provisions relating to the transfer. See our publication on
Contact us for more details.
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As soon as a developer places computer software in the
marketplace, it bears complete responsibility for the non-injurious performance of the
softwareeven if it was distributed free of charge.
This is called the "What do you mean I'm liable, I didn't even charge the user, did
I?" problem. This is also called the shareware/freeware problem.
The damages to be paid by a software developer for errors bears no relation to the cost of
the software package. For example, if a developer sells an accounting package for $1,000,
but an error causes damages of $1,000,000, then the developer may be liable for $1,001,000
($1,000,000 in consequential damages and $1,000 for the cost of the software). Similarly,
even if a developer places a hard disk organizer into the public domain, without
disclaimers to the contrary, the developer could be liable for any damages to users' hard
disks, even if the software was distributed for free.
It is imperative to have a strong understanding of the interplay between the warranty (see
item No. 2) provided by a developer and the agreed upon remedy. The warranty provisions
create a standard of performance. The remedy provisions create the entitlement of the
injured party if the warranty standard is not achieved. Common remedies include the
developer's option to repair, replace or offer a work-around. If not properly structured,
the developer could be devastated by a damages claim which is completely unlimited.
Usually general liability insurance policies do not cover breaches of contract and
warranties. Generally, such claims are covered only by errors and omission policies, and,
even then, errors and omission policies may disclaim breaches of warranty.
Potential Solutions: Have a written license agreement which provides an express limited remedy
and disclaims other liability, regardless of whether a fee is charged for the software.
Contact us for more details.
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You've seen the movies. Same thing here. Unless a contract
is properly structured, your statements can be used against you.
This is called the "What do you mean I have to do that? Sure, I said that in the
proposal, but it's not in the contract, is it?" problem. This is also the "What
do you mean I have a contract, I didn't sign anything, did I?" problem.
If there are promises, there is a contract. An oral contract is as legally effective as a
written contract, just more difficult (and expensive) to prove the terms.
Certainly, if there is no written embodiment of the contract, then everything
tending to prove the terms of the oral agreement becomes evidence thereof. For example,
requests for proposal, proposals, correspondence, change orders, etc. It gets messy.
Consider that there are three points in time related to the signing of a contract: prior
to signing, contemporaneously with signing, and after signing.
The bottom line is this: if you intend a written agreement to be the final embodiment of
the terms and conditions of the contract, then the contract must expressly indicate that
If the contract is not intended to be modified unless in writing, then
must provide a contractual structure for written change orders. As a result, the legal and
business issues must be effectively coordinated. Consider the risk associated with
voluntarily performing an amendment to specifications, and the services performed pursuant
to the amendment cause a significant error. Consider the difficulty in fixing a value for
the changes following completion of the contract.
Potential Solutions: Have a written contract, the terms and conditions of which override prior
and contemporaneous communications, and provide for modifications to be made only in
writing. Contact us for more
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Computer law requires an understanding of the intellectual
properties, but also requires a strong understanding of the business implications
of any particular course of action.
The full benefits of some methods of protection cannot be obtained at a later date. This
issue has importance to sellers and purchasers alike.
For example, after three months from the time of first publication of copyrighted
software, the full benefits of a registered copyright may be waived. If a patent
application is not filed within one year after the disclosure of a patentable invention,
the right to a patent is waived. Obtaining a corporate name, in accordance with state
procedures, may be an admission of a violation of a federally registered trademark.
Alternatively, by not registering a trademark immediately, you could waive your right to
the marketing territories where you intend to do business. By not having effective
employee agreements relating to confidentiality, you could be waiving your right to trade
secret protection.
There are a number of legally available forms of protection available for computer
software and related intellectual properties. A developer of software must recognize the
need to proceed immediately with obtaining and implementing the available forms of
protection. A purchaser must inquire about what methods a developer has undertaken to
protect the work intended to be transferred.
Potential Solutions: Have trademark searches performed. Use non-disclosure agreements in the
ordinary course of business. Register copyrights and trademarks. Obtain patents, if
available. Have employment agreements in place. See our publications on
Trademarks and
Contact us for more details.
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Ensure that development
specifications are exacting so that both parties understand when the development effort
has been performed. A standard of compliance should be established, i.e. to develop
in strict conformity with the specifications or substantial conformity with the
Ensure that the type of software development contract is
identified as either a pure service contract or a deliverables-based contract. Adjust the
warranties, remedies and acceptance procedure accordingly.
Ensure that short-form Pennsylvania contracts/licenses comply
with the recently passed
Language Consumer Contract Act. Ensure that consumer software contracts/licenses
comply with the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. Comply with Federal Fair Trade Regulations
relating to the advertising of any merchandise sold by mail order.
When establishing new business ventures, ensure that any
technology owned by certain principals is properly transferred into the new business
Purchasers of technology (including developers who are purchasing
technology from subcontractors) should review all subcontractor agreements, and should
require express license and/or assignment language.
Perform computerized trademark and service mark research to
ensure that business names, product names, and logos thereof, are able to be federally
registered marks. Obtaining a corporate or fictitious name registration with a state does
not imply that the mark is available for a federal registration.
These are only a few of the additional issues to be considered when properly structuring a
transaction. Contact us for
more details.
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The issues addressed in this pamphlet are legally complex,
and the purpose of this article is merely to introduce you to a number of non-intuitive
legal issues. You will need to retain an attorney to assist you with your specific
Properly structuring a transaction requires an understanding of the technology, the
industry, and the legal options available to foster consummation of the transaction.
If you do not have legal representation, then
contact us. If you
have legal counsel, with whom you are currently satisfied for your general legal
representation, then suggest our services to assist as special counsel for technology and
business-related matters.
Zegarelli Law Group
offers a number of pricing and payment opportunities, including
retainer-based discounts that may provide a significant savings for you.
If you would like to obtain our other firm publications, and/or our newsletters, then
please call us as soon as possible to be placed on our
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Contact us for more details.
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