Entrepreneurial Spirit
Special Edition. Advertising Guidelines.
Today is the Superbowl®, which is the
best day for everyone to catch up on the latest U.S.
Federal Trade Commission Guidelines for advertising! Advertising is the name of the game,
particularly for the Big Game, and the rules
have changed. Will any of the major advertisers
break the rules? Watch and see!
But, are you up to date with the
advertising transparency rules?
The Federal Trade Commission says you need to be up to
date, or else... We can help, so let's get right to it.
In this edition of the The Entrepreneurial Spirit®,
we address the newest Federal Trade Commission
advertising guidelines. Please keep in mind that
advertising is
a complex area of law and you need to consult with an
experienced lawyer to help with implementation of your
strategies and goals. Forward this email to your
social media team for future reference.
Newest FTC
Advertising Rules
Title 16, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of
Endorsements in Advertisements
provides the latest transparency rules. You, your marketing department, and your social
media team, are all responsible for compliance, because
your competitors—and the federal government—are
watching you. Depending upon your strategy, these
rules can be used offensively in the marketplace to
bring claims, in addition to as a prudent defense
against incurring claims.
What is the Purpose?
The Guides do not purport to cover every
possible use of endorsements and testimonials in
advertising. An endorsement
means any advertising message that consumers are likely to believe
reflects the opinions of a party other than the sponsoring advertiser, even if
the views expressed by that party are identical to those
of the sponsoring advertiser.
Example 1:
Reviews. A film critic's review of a movie
is excerpted in an advertisement. The review is an
endorsement because it is viewed by readers as a
statement of the critic's own opinions. Any
alteration in or quotation that does not fairly reflect
its substance is a violation of the standards.
Example 2:
Dramatizations. A TV commercial
depicts two unknown women in a supermarket buying a
laundry detergent. One comments to the other how
clean her brand makes her family's clothes. This obvious
fictional dramatization of a real life situation would
not be an endorsement.
Example 3:
Reputable Person. A manufacturer of
automobile tires hires a well-known professional
automobile racing driver. In the commercials, the
driver speaks of the smooth ride, etc., of the tires.
Many consumers recognize this individual as not merely a
spokesperson. Accordingly, they may well believe the
driver would not speak for an automotive product unless
he actually believed in what he was saying and had
personal knowledge sufficient to form that belief, being
the driver's personal views. This brings the
advertisement within the definition of an endorsement.
Example 4:
Compensation. A consumer who regularly
purchases a particular brand of dog food decides one day
to purchase a new, more expensive brand made by the same
manufacturer. She writes in her blog that the
change in diet has made her dog's fur noticeably
shinier, and that the new food definitely is worth the
money. This posting would probably not be deemed
an endorsement. Assume rather than purchase the
dog food with her own money, the consumer gets it for
free because the store tracks her purchases and its
computer has generated a coupon for a free trial bag of
this new brand. Again, her posting would probably
not be deemed an endorsement. But, if the
consumer joins a network marketing program under which
she receives products about which
she can write reviews. If
she receives a free bag of the new dog food through this
program, her positive review would be considered an
Endorsements must reflect the honest
opinions of the
endorser. An endorsement may not convey any
representation that would be deceptive if made directly
by the advertiser. An advertiser may use an
endorsement of an expert or celebrity only so long as the endorser subscribes to the views. When the advertisement represents that
the endorser uses the endorsed product, the endorser
must have been a bona fide user of it at
the time the endorsement was given.
Advertisers are
subject to liability for false or unsubstantiated
statements made through endorsements, or for failing to
disclose material connections between themselves and
their endorsers.
Example 1:
Experts. A building contractor states that he uses the advertiser's exterior
house paint because of its quick drying
properties. This is an expert endorsement.
Example 2:
Preferences. A television advertisement portrays a woman seated at a
desk. An
announcer says, “We asked X, an administrative assistant
for over ten years, to try these five keyboards
and tell us which one she liked best. The announcer asks her why
she chose the advertiser's brand, and she
gives her reasons. This endorsement would probably not
represent that X actually uses the advertiser's keyboard
at work. The endorsement may be
an expert
Example 3:
Proven. An ad for an acne treatment
features a dermatologist who claims that the product is
“clinically proven” to work. Before giving the
endorsement, she received a write-up of the clinical
study in question, which indicates flaws precluding any conclusions about the efficacy of the
product. The dermatologist is subject to liability for
the false statements. The
advertiser is also liable for misrepresentations made
through the endorsement. Example
Ignorance. A skin care advertiser requests that a blogger try a new
body lotion and write a review of the product on her
blog. Although the advertiser does not make any specific
claims about the lotion's ability to cure skin
conditions and the blogger does not ask the advertiser
whether there is substantiation for the claim, in her
review the blogger writes that the lotion cures eczema. The advertiser
can be subject to
liability for misleading or unsubstantiated
representations made through the blogger's endorsement.
The blogger also can be subject to liability for misleading
or unsubstantiated representations made in the course of
her endorsement. The blogger is also liable if she fails
to disclose clearly and conspicuously that she is being
paid for her services. In order to limit its
potential liability, the advertiser should ensure that
the advertising service provides guidance and training
to its bloggers. The
advertiser should also monitor bloggers who are being
Consumer endorsements.
An advertisement
using endorsements by consumers, the advertiser must possess
adequate substantiation, including, when appropriate, competent and reliable scientific evidence,
to support such claims. Otherwise, the advertisement
should clearly and conspicuously disclose the expected performance.
Commission tested the communication of advertisements
containing testimonials that clearly and prominently
disclosed either “Results not typical” or the stronger
“These testimonials are based on the experiences of a
few people and you are not likely to have similar results.” Neither disclosure adequately reduced the
communication that the experiences depicted are
generally representative.
Example 1:
Usage. A
brochure for a baldness treatment consists entirely of
testimonials from satisfied customers. The advertiser must have competent and
reliable scientific evidence that its product is
effective. The ad will also
likely communicate that the endorsers' experiences are
representative of what new users of the product can
generally expect. Therefore, even if the advertiser
includes a disclaimer such as, “Notice: These
testimonials do not prove our product works. You should
not expect to have similar results,” the ad is likely to
be deceptive unless the advertiser has adequate
substantiation that new users typically will experience
results similar to those experienced by the testimonialists.
Example 2:
Details. An advertisement for a
cholesterol-lowering product features an individual who
claims that his serum cholesterol went down by 120
points and does not mention having made any lifestyle
changes. A well-conducted clinical study shows that the
product reduces the cholesterol levels of individuals
with elevated cholesterol by an average of 15% and the
advertisement clearly and conspicuously discloses this
fact. Despite the presence of this disclosure, the
advertisement would be deceptive if the advertiser does
not have adequate substantiation that the product can
produce the specific results claimed by the endorser
(i.e., a 120-point drop in serum cholesterol without any
lifestyle changes).
Example 3:
Express Conditions. An advertisement for a
weight-loss product features a formerly obese woman. She
says in the ad, “Every day, I drank 2 WeightAway shakes,
ate only raw vegetables, and exercised vigorously for
six hours at the gym. By the end of six months, I had
gone from 250 pounds to 140 pounds.” The
advertisement accurately describes the woman's
experience. The advertiser must have
substantiation, however, for any performance claims
conveyed by the endorsement. If the advertisement simply
features “before” and “after” pictures, the ad may be likely to convey that her experience is representative.
If consumers cannot generally expect to achieve such
results, the ad should clearly and conspicuously
disclose what they can expect to lose.
Example 4:
Actors. An advertisement purports to
portray a “hidden camera” situation in a crowded
cafeteria at breakfast time. A spokesperson for the
advertiser asks a series of actual patrons of the
cafeteria for their spontaneous, honest opinions of the
advertiser's recently introduced breakfast cereal. Even
though the words “hidden camera” are not displayed on
the screen, and even though none of the actual patrons
is specifically identified during the advertisement, the
net impression conveyed to consumers may well be that
these are actual customers, and not actors. If actors
have been employed, this fact should be clearly and
conspicuously disclosed.
Expert endorsements.
Whenever an
advertisement represents that the endorser is an expert, then the endorser's qualifications
must in fact give the endorser the expertise that he or
she is represented as possessing. The evaluation must have
included an examination of the product at
least as extensive as someone with the same degree of
expertise to
support the conclusions. The expert must in fact have found
any product superiority.
Example 1:
Relevance. An endorsement of a particular
automobile by one described as an “engineer” implies
that the endorser's professional training are such that he is well acquainted with the design and
performance of automobiles. If the endorser's field is,
for example, chemical engineering, the endorsement would
be deceptive.
for example, if a person is referred to as "Doctor" in a
medical advertisement when the person is not a medical
Example 2:
Authenticity. A manufacturer
of automobile parts advertises that its products are
approved by the “American Institute of Science.” If the American Institute of
Science is not a bona fide independent testing
organization, the endorsement
would be deceptive. Even if the American Institute of
Science is an independent bona fide expert testing
organization, the endorsement may nevertheless be
deceptive unless the Institute has conducted valid
scientific tests of the advertised products and the test
results support the endorsement message.
Example 3:
Congruency. A
manufacturer of a non-prescription drug product
represents that its product has been selected over
competing products by a large metropolitan hospital. The
hospital has selected the product because the
manufacturer, unlike its competitors, has packaged each
dose of the product separately. This package form is not
generally available to the public. Under the
circumstances, the endorsement would be deceptive
because the basis for the hospital's choice—convenience
of packaging—is neither relevant nor available to
consumers, and the basis for the hospital's decision is
not disclosed to consumers.
Endorsements by organizations.
Endorsements by organizations, especially expert ones,
are viewed as representing the judgment of a group whose
collective experience exceeds that of any individual
member, and whose judgments are generally free of the
sort of subjective factors that vary from individual to
A mattress seller
advertises that its product is endorsed by a
chiropractic association. Because the association would
be regarded as expert with respect to judging
mattresses, its endorsement must be supported by an
evaluation by an expert or experts recognized as such by
the organization.
Disclosure of material connections.
When there exists a connection between the endorser and
the seller of the advertised product that might
materially affect the weight or credibility of the
endorsement, such connection must be fully
disclosed. For example, when an endorser who
appears in a television commercial is neither
represented in the advertisement as an expert nor is
known to a significant portion of the viewing public,
then the advertiser should clearly and conspicuously
disclose compensation.
Example 1:
Independence. A drug
company commissions research on its product by an
outside organization. The advertiser's payment of expenses to the research
organization should be disclosed in this advertisement.
Example 2:
Compensation Relativity. A film star endorses a particular food
product. The endorsement regards only points of taste
and individual preference. This endorsement must
generally comply with the rules, but regardless of the star's compensation for the commercial, no disclosure
of compensation might be
required because such payments likely are ordinarily
expected by viewers.
Example 3:
Disclosure. During an appearance by
a professional tennis player on a television
talk show, the host comments that the athlete has risen to her highest level ever in the rankings.
She responds by attributing the improvement in her game
to the fact that she is seeing the ball better than she
used to, ever since having laser vision correction
surgery at a clinic that she identifies by name. The athlete
does not disclose that she has a contractual
relationship with the clinic.
Knowledge of such payments would
likely affect the weight or credibility consumers give
to the celebrity's endorsement. Without a clear and
conspicuous disclosure, this endorsement is
likely to be deceptive. Furthermore, if consumers
think that her experience
was typical, the advertiser must have substantiation for
that claim. Assume that instead of speaking about the
clinic in a television interview, the tennis player
touts the results of her surgery—mentioning the clinic
by name—on a social networking site that allows
her fans to read in real time what is happening in her
life. Assume
that during that same television interview, the tennis
player is wearing clothes bearing the insignia of an
athletic wear company with whom she also has an
endorsement contract. Although this contract requires
that she wear the company's clothes not only on the
court but also in public appearances, when possible, she
does not mention them or the company during her
appearance on the show. No disclosure is required
because no representation is being made about the
clothes in this context.
Example 4:
Blog Reviews. A college student maintains a personal “blog.” As it has done in the
past, the manufacturer of a newly released video game
system sends the student a free copy of the system and
asks him to write about it on his blog. Because his
review is disseminated via a form of consumer-generated
media in which his relationship to the advertiser is not
obvious, readers are unlikely to know that he
has received the video game system free of charge, and this fact likely would
materially affect the credibility of his
endorsement. Accordingly, the blogger should clearly and
conspicuously disclose that he received the gaming
system free of charge. The manufacturer should advise
him at the time it provides the gaming system that this
connection should be disclosed, and it should have
procedures in place to try to monitor his postings for
Example 5:
Employee Postings. An online message board
designated for discussions of new music download
technology. An employee
of manufacturer has been
posting messages on the discussion board promoting the
manufacturer's product. Knowledge of this poster's
employment likely would affect the weight or credibility
of her endorsement. Therefore, the poster should clearly
and conspicuously disclose.
Again, depending upon your strategy, these rules can be
used offensively in the marketplace to bring claims, in
addition to as a prudent defense against claims.
Please save this email for future reference, and forward
to your entire advertising and social media teams.
Advertising with
testimonials and endorsements is a common
mechanism to present goods and services in
social media and traditional media.
Understanding your options, rights and
responsibilities regarding the FTC rules is crucial to implementing a
successful advertising strategy.
Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. |